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SCAG Go Human Safety Strategies

Circulate received a grant from the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to run the 2024 Go Human Safety Strategies Program which included administering the 2024 Go Human Community Streets Grant Program.

Southern California has some of the highest rates of collisions involving people walking and biking in the nation.

Go Human launched in 2015 to address the rising rates of injuries and collisions. Today, the Campaign continues to grow and innovate, as a nationally recognized, award-winning active transportation safety and encouragement Campaign that aims to reduce traffic collisions and encourages people to walk and bike more across the region, while reducing vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions.

Through this project, Circulate handled a variety of tasks, including:

    • Onboarding of 15 Go Human Community Streets Grant recipients
    • Providing technical assistance to each of the 15 Go Human Community Streets Grant
    • Materials inventory of each of the 4 SCAG Go Human Kit of Parts kits
    • Coordination of 5 SCAG Go Human Kit of Parts deployments with community-based partners
    • Coordination and design of co-branded safety messaging materials for 14 community groups / jurisdictions
    • Production of a comprehensive final report
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