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 I have lived in Chula Vista for over 25 years.  During that time I have ridden road bikes and mountain bikes around Chula Vista and beyond.  My husband, who commutes by bike everyday to National City, and I like to ride our mountain bikes from our home near the Hilltop area to points east through Bonita Valley.  We also ride our road bikes down to the amazing Bayshore Bikeway and on to Coronado.  I believe the BayShore Bikeway is a treasure and is one of the best and most scenic rides in California.

We occasionally ride down to Third Avenue to eat or attend civic events.  This is becoming more frequent now that there are more quality destinations such as the Third Avenue Alehouse and new restaurants.  We occasionally ride to do errands close by our home.  Of course, the climate in Chula Vista allows for riding almost every day of the year.  

I am particularly happy to see more bike infrastructure coming to Chula Vista such as the sharrows on J Street.  But there is still a long way to go.  I hope that the City of Chula Vista will also embrace the idea of authorized, quality bike trails and bike skills parks in our open spaces.  I am glad that Walk Bike Chula Vista is getting the word out about alternative transportation and that Chula Vista is a great place to ride.  

If you haven't tried riding your bike in Chula Vista, I suggest starting down at the BayShore bikeway, J Street Marina or even out by Otay Lakes. There are bike lanes there and you can plan a fairly flat route.  Ride a few times a week and before you know it, you will be able to ride longer distances.  Many of the newer neighborhoods have great bike lanes and bike paths also. Riding your bike will let you see your neighborhood in a whole new light.  It will also help you remember to keep cyclists safe when you are behind the wheel of your car.