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Published June 2020
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Report Summary

Circulate San Diego created the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Toolkit to provide parents, teachers, schools, and program administrators a framework to build and sustain a SRTS program. The toolkit outlines ideas and steps to implement each of the Six E’s Programs should be tailored to the needs of each school community. Safe Routes to School programs focus on creating safe streets for students to walk, bike, and roll to school. SRTS programs aim to increase the number of students and parents who choose active modes of transportation (walking, biking, skateboarding, and scootering). The Six E’s approach – Education, Encouragement, Enforcement*, Engineering, Equity, and Evaluation – focuses on identifying physical and social barriers for using active modes of transportation. Then identifies programmatic and infrastructure-related solutions to address those barriers.

*Enforcement is currently being evaluated and may be removed in the future.