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Submit Comments Online to Support Vision Zero in Chula Vista

The City of Chula Vista is voting on adopting a VIsion Zero resolution tomorrow, and now it's easy to participate from home! Instead of going in person to speak at public comment, you can submit public comment online, in fact, Chula Vista is encouraging it. 

Please submit a comment in support of Vision Zero! We support Chula Vista becoming a Vision Zero city, but their resolution needs to have a timeframe for accomplishing Vision Zero. We drafted some language below to make it easy for you to submit comments.

Here's how to make your public comment:

Follow this link:

Enter the date: 3/17/2020

Mark 'Yes' that this item is related to an item on the agenda. Then click 'Next Page'.

Enter the agenda number: 15

Mark that you don't support or oppose the item. Then click 'Next Page'.

Write in your public comment. You can copy and paste my suggestion and just update with your name, or you can edit/write your own comment: 

"My name is ____ and I'm a Chula Vista resident. I support the Vision Zero goal to end all traffic fatalities and serious injuries in Chula Vista because no loss of life is acceptable. However, Vision Zero needs to have a timeframe in order to mean anything, otherwise there is no end in sight. Please update the Vision Zero resolution to add an end year when the goal will be met. I support Vision Zero and ending all traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2030. Thank you."

Click 'Next Page'.

Please fill out your contact information (optional, I believe) and submit your public comment.

Then you are all done! Thank you!