Community Planning Groups are an important mechanism for determining how the City of San Diego will grow and develop. Circulate San Diego educates and encourages committed individuals to participate in the City’s Community Planning Groups by regularly hosting How to Join Your Community Planning Group forums across San Diego. Visit our resources page to learn more about how to get involved in your Community Planning Group.
Randy Wilde ran for his Community Planning Group after attending our forums, and he succeeded in getting elected to the North Park Planning Committee in March! The following is a guest blog post by Randy Wilde, North Park Planning Committee member.
Joining the Board
I’ve been participating in my local Community Planning Group (CPG), the North Park Planning Committee (NPPC), for several years. Starting next month, I’ll be up at the table rather than in the audience.
Attending several of Circulate’s “How to Join Your Community Planning Group” forums helped me muster the confidence to run for the board and pick up some practical tips. Speaking to current CPG members gave me a better idea of how to get the word out and what to expect if I was successfully elected.
Why it Matters
Most importantly, Circulate’s work has helped me understand the importance of participating in the community planning process and better articulate my reasons for running. As a renter and a young person, people like me are not well represented on CPGs. More than 75 percent of North Park residents are renters and more than 50 percent are under the age of 35. Representative planning groups with diverse perspectives are vital to overcome current challenges and make our communities more inclusive.
That’s why I’m committed to helping NPPC educate and empower more residents, especially renters and young people, to get involved in community planning. We can do more to engage with residents outside of meetings and make it easier to participate in the committee and provide input on its decisions. Check our Circulate’s great “Democracy in Planning” report for more on that subject.
Vision for North Park
North Park’s recently completed community plan update lays out a clear blueprint for responsible growth. I look forward to working with my fellow board members to bring about its vision through each project that comes to us.
I hope to focus on expanding North Parkers’ access to safe, convenient mobility options. High-quality facilities for biking and walking are especially important to enhance our quality of life and meet Climate Action Plan targets. I share the excitement and frustration of many residents who want to see projects like the University Avenue Mobility Plan and SANDAG’s North Park/Mid-City bikeways delivered faster.
Aesthetics and character are a big part of North Park’s appeal. I will join NPPC’s continuing efforts to push for more unique design, public art, landscaping elements (especially trees!), and collaborative placemaking in new developments.
North Park is home to a wide range of housing types. We can maintain that diversity while increasing affordable units on our major corridors, expanding options for those who want to contribute to North Park’s awesomeness and doing our part to mitigate San Diego’s housing crisis.
North Park can become a great example of how to do transit-oriented development right. All while preserving community character, historic homes and buildings, local small businesses, and the unique vibe that makes North Park what it is. I look forward to working with my NPPC colleagues to make that vision a reality.