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Transit for Fun - Hiking Van Dam Peak

Join Circulate San Diego and RideSD for a Transit & Trails trip to hike Van Dam Peak! On Saturday, June 22nd, we will meet at 9:30am at Santa Fe Depot to catch the #235 bus. The bus will depart at 9:40am and arrive at Sabre Springs Transit Center at 10:30am. From the transit center, the hike to Van Dam Peak is approximately one mile (two miles round-trip). Following the hike, we may head to Oggi's for optional post-hike pizzas and beverages. Buses return to San Diego every 30 minutes on the 27th and 57th minute of the hour. 

Free PRONTO day passes will be provided!

A special thank you to San Diego City Council Community Projects, Programs and Services (CPPS) for their support of this event.