Adding a Housing Component to the Infrastructure Measure
Circulate San Diego believes that increasing infrastructure funding is vital to the economic and environmental vitality of the region. The key component to making an infrastructure program work holistically is to dedicate a portion of those funds to affordable homes near public transit.
Circulate San Diego's Executive Director, Jim Stone, along with the Executive Director of the San Diego Housing Federation, Stephen Russell, co-wrote an editorial for the Voice of San Diego on this topic.
Circulate San Diego also wrote a Policy Letter explaining why any infrastructure measure passed by the City should contain funds for Affordable Homes.
SANDAG Quality of Life Measure Public Input
SANDAG is soliciting public input regarding a ballot measure it is planning for November 2016. We are asking Circulate San Diego supporters tell SANDAG they support a measure that advances transit and active transportation.
1. How you can help:
A. Complete this online survey and make your voice heard!
B. Attend one of SANDAG's telephone town halls. RSVP on the event page to let us know you'll participate.
C. Attend one of SANDAG's Public Meetings. RSVP on the event page to let us know you'll participate.
2. What to Tell SANDAG:
A. Any ballot measure should fund advancing transit faster than the recently adopted 2015 Regional Plan.
B. Any ballot measure should have funds for active transportation, including bicycling and safe infrastructure.
C. Any ballot measure should help fund affordable housing near transit, which has been shown to reduce greenhouse gasses.
Visit the event page to learn more about the public input process
Vision Zero Press Conference
Please Join Circulate San Diego and our partners this coming Tuesday at Noon for the Vision Zero Press Conference on the steps of 1200 Civic Center Plaza. 2015 was a deadly year for people walking, bicycling, and driving the streets of San Diego. Fifty-four people died on the road last year, a 17% increase from the previous year.
Vision Zero is a strategy adopted by the City last fall to reach zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries in San Diego by 2025. Members of the Vision Zero coalition will acknowledge the City’s early actions to advance the strategy, and highlight the need for further action to reduce the number of lives lost.
Vision Zero is supported by a coalition of leading transportation, business, and community-based organization. This coalition will place shoes on the steps of City Hall to symbolize and honor the lives lost in 2015. They will also release 2015 traffic fatality statistics at the press conference.
Read the media advisory here.
RSVP for the event here.
Recap - Successful Event - How to Join Your Community Planning Group
"I am civically minded and wanted to give back to my community."
"I realized a way to get more housing in my community was through planning, so I looked into joining my community planning group."
"I want to stay in my community and this is a way to contribute my love for the community."
These were some of the experiences shared by four panelists last week on why they joined their community planning group. The event “How to Join Your Community Planning Group” was organized and hosted by Circulate San Diego to encourage more folks to get involved. The evening provided a hearty discussion of benefits from getting involved and advice on how to get started.
For those that could not attend the event, Circulate San Diego maintains a resource page for how members of the public can join their community planning groups.
Read the entire Blog Post here.
Program Spotlight: Lemon Grove Kids Walk & Roll to School

Below is a Program Spotlight Blog from one of Circulate's coolest staff members Juan Ramirez, Program Coordinator. In the blog below, he spotlights just one of the terrific series of projects Circulate has been working on to improve sustainable mobility throughout the San Diego Region.
Circulate San Diego recently completed the Lemon Grove Walks & Wheels to School Program, a 3.5 years Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Federally funded Non-Infrastructure project. The program that implemented SRTS education, encouragement, enforcement, engineering, and evaluation activities in five elementary schools and one middle school, serving over 3,000 students in the City of Lemon Grove.
The PedsCount! 2016 Summit is in Long Beach

The 2016 PedsCount! Summit is headed to Long Beach, June 6 & 7, 2016. The PedsCount! Summit is a terrfic opportunity to network with community advocates representing walking, safety, design, public health, planning, education, equity, transit and sustainable transportation. The summit will allow practitioners to explore the planning, transportation infrastructure, institutional and educational issues, as well as successful strategies for creating safe, walkable communities in California.
The summit will be hosted at the Courtyard Marriott Long Beach Downtown (500 East First Street Long Beach, CA 90802). For more information on the summit please visit the website, here.