Check out this week's featured stories:
1. Our Latest Report: Fair Share
2. Endorsement Alert: Yes on Measure C
3. Transit for Fun with Outdoor Outreach and Crawford High School
4. Vision Zero San Diego – Fatal Crashes in 2020
5. Last Chance: How to Join Your CPG Panel
Our Latest Report: Fair Share
On Monday, Circulate San Diego stood with Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, Climate Action Campaign's Nicole Capretz, and affordable housing developers for the release of our latest report, Fair Share. Our report details how San Diego is not receiving its fair share of affordable housing and transportation funds.
A number of outlets covered the report's findings:
- "Housing Advocates Release Report Detailing Funding Shortage In San Diego," KPBS, January 27, 2020
- "Report: San Diego missed out on $14M for affordable housing because of miscommunication," Fox 5 San Diego, January 27, 2020
- "San Diego not cashing in on affordable housing dollars, report says," ABC 10 News San Diego, January 27, 2020
- "San Diego region missing out on millions in state housing and transportation funding, report finds," San Diego Union Tribune, January 27, 2020
Thank you to the sponsors of Fair Share, who made it possible for us to write this report: Enterprise Community Partners, Hitzke Development Corporation, Kimley Horn, LISC San Diego, Chelsea Investment Corporation, and National CORE.
Endorsement Alert: Yes on Measure C
Circulate San Diego endorses Measure C, an initiative on the March ballot that would raise hotel taxes to fund homeless solutions, road improvements, and the expansion of the convention center.
Yes on C! is endorsed by San Diego labor organizations, business groups, and homeless service providers. Circulate supports increased transportation and infrastructure funding to further our mission of creating excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods.
Transit for Fun with Outdoor Outreach and Crawford High School
This month we partnered with Outdoor Outreach to bring Transit for Fun to Crawford High School. Students from the Crawford High School Adventure Club got to try out transit for the first time, thanks to a program funded by the City of San Diego and all-day compass cards donated by MTS.
We had a blast riding the bus and trolley to Grotto Climbing Gym near the Grantville Trolley Station. Students and staff were able to play around on the bouldering walls. We are pretty sure Circulate staff had just as much fun as the students and are happy to spend the workday rock climbing any day!
Transit for Fun is a great program because we believe opportunities like these demonstrate the accessibility of transit in our participant's very own neighborhood.
Thank you to Outdoor Outreach for letting us participate in your after school activity and Grotto Climbing Gym for having us!
Vision Zero San Diego – Fatal Crashes in 2020
Thirty-one days into 2020 and there have already been 10 fatal traffic-related deaths. In the City of San Diego in the past week, there were three crashes, two of which were hit-and-runs. This has to stop, and Circulate San Diego is committed to Vision Zero and ending traffic fatalities. In partnership with the City of San Diego, we are asking residents to sign the “Don't Be A Distracted Driver Pledge” and for everyone to make a conscious effort to be a more attentive traveler. Please follow us on our social media platforms, @CirculateSD, to learn more about our Vision Zero efforts and how you can become more involved.
A number of outlets shared the pledge including the San Diego Union-Tribune, Fox 5 San Diego , and NBC 7.
Take the pledge here: http://www.circulatesd.org/vzsd2020.
Last Chance: How to Join Your CPG Panel
Circulate is hosting its final How to Join Your Community Planning Group panel next Tuesday and I hope you can join us to learn more about getting involved in these important boards!
Community Planning Groups provide important feedback to the city about future growth, transportation options, and community needs. We'll hear from current and former CPG members about their experience: How they got involved, what they do on their CPG, and why it matters.
If you've never heard of CPGs or are considering running for a CPG seat, please join us. Panelists include:
- Karen Montufar-Federico, Chollas Valley CPG
- Samantha Jenkins, Skyline Paradise Hills Planning Committee
- Chelsea Klaseus, Southeastern CPG
- Christie Hill, Chollas Valley CPG
- Eric Henson (moderator)
This event is co-hosted by San Diego Leadership Alliance and made possible with support from San Diego Gas & Electric.