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Circulator - 07/12/2024

THIS TUESDAY - Circulate’s Summer Membership Mixer

Join Circulate San Diego for our Summer Membership Mixer on July 16th at our new downtown office.

We’ll have a fun evening with our diverse and engaged membership for networking, free drinks, music, and celebrations. Mingle with Circulate staff members, local decision makers, and professionals in the land use and transportation space.

We are also pleased to announce that we'll be joined by Senator Catherine Blakespear.

Upcoming: City Heights Walk Audit!

Join us on July 23rd, alongside City Heights CDC, as we observe the walking and biking conditions for Future CUATRO residents in City Heights!

CUATRO is a new affordable housing project with four locations along University Avenue and El Cajon Boulevard.

We will be meeting in front of University Avenue & I-15 Transit Plaza at 5:00 P.M.

Recap: June Bike and Transit Event

Circulate kicked off the summer with a series of engaging transit and bike trips. We had an amazing time exploring public art by bike in City Heights, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our attendees.

Our transit journey from downtown to District 5 led us to a beautiful, albeit very hot, hike, showcasing the natural beauty of our city accessible by transit. And, we rode the # 11 bus up to the Mission Hills Library in District 3 for the exciting unveiling of the San Diego Pride Library Card.

Thanks to the City of San Diego for their support of these efforts and to all our participants for making these events memorable.

Don't miss out on any of our upcoming events! Check out our calendar here for more information.

Recap: Naval Base Coronado Bike Rodeo

The final weekend of June, Circulate hosted a bike rodeo in Coronado alongside the Naval Base Coronado’s Community Recreation team. Circulate interacted with several children and their families, teaching important skills such as avoidance maneuvers, signaling, rules of the road, helmet fitting, and basic maintenance in a safe and controlled environment. Ultimately, children left the bike rodeo more confident in their riding abilities. Additionally, we handed out bicycle and pedestrian safety gear and materials that the children enjoyed.

Recap: CPPS D8 and D9 Walk Audits

Thanks to the 2024 CPPS grant, Circulate had the pleasure of leading two walk audits in District 8 and District 9 at the end of June. These walks were attended by District 8 and 9 representatives and residents of these communities. During the audits, participants observed and provided input on issues that make walking and biking unsafe or uncomfortable along the route as well as what pedestrian improvements they would like to see implemented.

On the D8 walk, participants walked to Grant Hill Park and Stockton Rec Center where they encountered missing or faded crosswalks and broken sidewalks. Participants had a short walk from Rosa Parks Elementary School to a Fatal 15 intersection (University Avenue and 44th Street) where they encountered rectangular rapid flashing beacon in need of repair causing unsafe pedestrian and bicyclist crossings.

To learn more about what happened on these walk audits and other audits, please check out our Planning Reports page!

Become A Momentum Awards Sponsor

Circulate San Diego’s Momentum Awards celebrate the people and projects in the San Diego region that are creating excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods.

Sponsorships are available for companies and organizations that support our work and secure visibility at our annual Momentum Awards. We want to recognize companies and organizations that are making San Diego a better place to live, work, and move around. By becoming a Corporate Member and Event Sponsor, your organization can secure valuable exposure among industry leaders, agency leadership, and elected officials.

Don’t miss your chance to attend, secure your spot today!

Momentum Awards Nominations are Open!

Nominations are now open for Circulate San Diego’s annual Momentum Awards. Our Momentum Awards honor the people and projects in the San Diego region that are advancing excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods.

Categories include:

  • Safe Streets and Vision Zero Award
  • Public Transit Connectivity Award
  • Sustainable Growth Award
  • Innovation Award
  • Advocate Award
  • Public Voice Award
  • Mid-Coast Award

Learn about award criteria and nominate your favorite project, agency, company, or individual by 5:00 pm on August 15, 2024. You are encouraged to self-nominate and to nominate a client's project.