The staff at Circulate San Diego would like to wish all of you and your families a very happy holiday season. We are grateful for all you support in making 2016 a successful year and are looking forward to working with you to improve sustainable mobility in 2017.
A Big Win for Vision Zero
Being an urban planner can sometimes feel like being a sports fan of a mediocre, underperforming team. You take a lot of hits and tough losses and are at times forced to swallow some bitter pills. I’ve questioned if being a planner is the right career for me in the same way I’ve often rationalized my support my sports teams. I tell myself the big victories make it all worth it. Big wins, typically years in the making, are why I remain optimistic in the value of my work and our city’s commitment to creating safe streets for all road users, not just drivers.
Two weeks ago we celebrated a big win...
Read more here.
TOD Report Launch Party
Where: Procopio, 525 B St, Suite 2200, San Diego, CA 92101
RSVP: http://www.circulatesd.org/transit_oriented_development_report_launch_party
San Diego Makes a Place for Placemaking through new Urban Spaces Initiative
Mayor Faulconer announced this week a redirection of Regional Enterprise Zone funds to support and advance several of the City’s economic and workforce development initiatives. His proposed action would specifically allocate $2,500,000 among eight initiatives within the Economic Development Department. The City Council approved the proposal at its meeting Tuesday.
Included among the eight initiatives is a new Urban Spaces program focused on placemaking.
Read more here.
In Case you Missed the Year End Request for Donations
Circulate San Diego has made huge impacts to improve conditions for walking, biking, and transit. We led the way on Vision Zero, an initiative that is helping to stop the loss of life on San Diego streets. We are making it safer for thousands of kids to walk and bike to school. And we are leading the way to create better transportation choices for people throughout the region.
But we need your help. Please make a tax-deductible gift today to Circulate to support our work to keep our children safe, to advocate for better transportation choices, and to encourage thoughtful, sustainable development.
Thank you, and have a wonderful holiday season.