Circulate Releases TransNet Today:
Report on SANDAG's Flexibility to Advance Transit

On Wednesday, Circulate San Diego released a groundbreaking report titled TransNet Today, which details the significant funding flexibility that SANDAG has to advance public transportation construction in the San Diego region. The report is available on our mobile-friendly website or as a pdf.
TransNet Today identifies the tools that SANDAG can use to implement the TransNet Ordinance, and leverage other state and federal funding sources to develop a regional transportation network that will help San Diego meet its long-term climate goals while improving the transit experience for more than 95 million passenger trips per year.
Along with TransNet Today, Circulate San Diego simultaneously released two formal letters responding to SANDAG’s draft Regional Plan:
- Environmental Analysis Comment Letter: Circulate San Diego’s comment letter explains why SANDAG’s draft environmental analysis for their Regional Plan fails to analyze feasible alternatives that are consistent with SANDAG’s flexibility to implement TransNet, as outlined in Transnet Today.
- Regional Plan Comment Letter: Circulate San Diego’s letter regarding the Regional Plan requests that SANDAG advance transit and active transportation projects, without amending TransNet, as TransNet Today explains can be done.
Twelve Too Many:
The Toll of Unsafe Streets in San Diego, 2015
On Wednesday, San Diego's 12th pedestrian was killed in 2015, the 2nd in four days. We know very little about this most recent victim, a woman who died after a Nissan Altima collided with her at an intersection on Ingraham Street around 9:30pm in Mission Bay Park. Two days earlier, San Diego's 11th pedestrian fatality occurred in front of the Convention Center downtown, this time a woman between 40 and 50 years old. The driver of a small silver Ford traveling westbound on Harbor Drive hit her and fled the scene; the suspect is still on the loose.
These deaths will continue to happen until the City takes action. That's why #VisionZero is needed now. Click here to read more.
#VisionZero Bike Ride: Imperial Avenue (7/31)
Join Circulate San Diego for a family-friendly bike ride exploring Vision Zero corridors from downtown to the site of a future neighborhood garden and park on Imperial! The bike ride will include a stop to commemorate a recent deadly hit & run in front of the Convention Center on Harbor Drive and 5th Avenue, one of eight Vision Zero corridors. The ride ends at the future park, which will be built and designed by the community. Hear more about the park and Vision Zero after the ride from Vision Zero partner BAME CDC and Circulate San Diego. RSVP here.
Who: Cyclists of all comfort levels
When: Friday, July 31, 6:00pm
Start: Circulate San Diego office, 1111 6th Avenue
End: Gilliam Family Community Garden and Park, 2835 Imperial Avenue
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