Summary of Letter:
SANDAG has the authority to advance transit and active transportation projects on a more accelerated schedule than what is called for by the 2015 Draft Regional Plan (“the Plan”), and in a manner that is consistent with the TransNet Extension Ordinance approved by voters in 2004.
However, none of the more transit-friendly alternatives analyzed by SANDAG are financially feasible to implement.
The failure of the DEIR to consider even one financially feasible alternative does not satisfy the two core functions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to ensure informed decision making by the SANDAG Board, and to foster public participation. SANDAG’s DEIR is therefore insufficient and invalid under California law.
Click here to read the comment letter [PDF].
Summary of Letter:
SANDAG has the authority to advance transit and active transportation projects on a more accelerated schedule than what is called for by the 2015 Draft Regional Plan (“the Plan”), and in a manner that is consistent with the TransNet Extension Ordinance approved by voters in 2004.
However, none of the more transit-friendly alternatives analyzed by SANDAG are financially feasible to implement.
The failure of the DEIR to consider even one financially feasible alternative does not satisfy the two core functions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to ensure informed decision making by the SANDAG Board, and to foster public participation. SANDAG’s DEIR is therefore insufficient and invalid under California law.
Click here to read the comment letter [PDF].