Media Contact: Maya Rosas
(310) 804-5256 | [email protected]
SAN DIEGO (January 15, 2020) – Collision data compiled by Circulate San Diego shows that in 2019, 44 people traveling by foot, bicycle, motorcycle, or vehicle died in the City of San Diego. Overall, 14 fewer fatalities occurred in 2019 than in 2018, however, 2019 still had more fatalities than 2017. The Vision Zero goal of zero traffic fatalities is still a long way off as San Diego approaches the midpoint of its 10 year Vision Zero commitment.
Half of the 2019 fatalities were pedestrians. The 22 pedestrian fatalities is a reduction from 34 in 2018, however that is unfortunately still more than the 17 pedestrians killed in 2017. Five bicyclists died in 2019 after two years in a row with zero bicyclist fatalities in the City of San Diego. 2019 Collision data was compiled by Circulate San Diego from data released monthly to the City’s new Mobility Board. The data compilation is available here.
"No one should have to risk losing their life while walking, bicycling, or driving," said Maya Rosas, Policy Director for Circulate San Diego. “To save lives and prevent collisions, the City of San Diego must continue to prioritize funding for Vision Zero in this year’s budget.”
Circulate recently submitted recommendations for how San Diego can invest in safe streets through the upcoming 2021 budget process, including improving 20 intersections, installing 20 miles of protected bicycle lanes, and increasing education and encouragement funding. Last year, San Diego increased its investment in Vision Zero and Mayor Faulconer committed to upgrading 300 intersections. This year, the City of San Diego partnered with Circulate to launch the Don’t Be A Distracted Driver Pledge to encourage residents to drive safe.
Circulate San Diego and a diverse coalition of 20 organizations have promoted a campaign for the last five years called Vision Zero, with the goal to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in San Diego by 2025. Mayor Faulconer and the San Diego City Council adopted a 10-year Vision Zero strategy in 2015.
The concept behind Vision Zero is that traffic deaths are preventable – through safe street design, education, and enforcement. The program has been successful in other U.S. and European cities. To date, over 20 cities across the U.S. have adopted a Vision Zero goal, including the City of San Diego, the City of Imperial Beach, and the City of La Mesa.
No loss of life is acceptable and the 44 fatalities in 2019 shows that more work is needed through increased investment in safe street infrastructure.
About Circulate San Diego
Circulate San Diego is a regional nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth. For more information, go to