We're releasing a report titled Democracy in Planning: Enhancing democratic participation in San Diego’s Community Planning Groups, and we're throwing a party to celebrate. Join us on the rooftop of our office building for a fun afternoon of good conversations, good people, and good beer, courtesy of Thorn Brewery.
About the Report
Public participation is a cornerstone of city planning and a pillar of democracy. Everyone should have a voice in how decisions are made, especially in local government.
Unfortunately, not all voices have equal access to participate in community planning groups (CPGs). The structure of CPGs has allowed certain voices to become amplified, while excluding others. Barriers undermine the purpose of CPGs to collect diverse and representative public input and to advance democratic participation.
Common sense changes to the rules that govern CPGs can open up the planning process, improve outcomes, and advance our shared goals for democratic participation.
Join us immediately before the release party for a training on how to join your community planning group. RSVP for the training, here.