Is your voice being represented in your CPG? Community Planning Group members help shape the future of their communities. Hear from CPG members about their experience and how you can get elected to your CPG!
Maya Rosas, advocacy manager at Circulate San Diego and former Uptown Planners member, and Eduardo Velasquez, research manager at San Diego Regional EDC, Circulate San Diego Board Member, and North Park Planning Committee member, will answer questions and provide insights from their own experiences about what it means to serve on a CPG.
This is not like our other CPG trainings consisting of a moderated panel discussion. This gathering will be less formal and more of a casual conversation between attendees. Because the event will be hosted at our offices, space is limited, so RSVP today!
Join us immediately following for the release party of our report, "Democracy in Planning: Enhancing democratic participation in San Diego’s Community Planning Groups." RSVP for the release party here.
For more resources about joining your CPG, you can visit Circulate’s resource page here.
This event is co-hosted by Leaders 2020
This event is sponsored by San Diego Gas & Electric