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Media Contacts:

Jim Stone   Jean Walcher  Sandy Young
cell: 619-994-7668   cell: 619-992-5925    cell: 858-699-6521
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Driver Runs Red Light, Kills Pedestrian Crossing Mira Mesa Boulevard

SAN DIEGO (February 16, 2017) – A 59-year-old female was struck and killed by a car whose driver ran a red light on Mira Mesa Boulevard this morning. The woman was walking with a 64-year-old male who survived the crash with serious injuries, including a broken leg and serious head injuries. 

“The terrible collision is a reminder of how important it is for our region’s leaders to commit to Vision Zero, a campaign to make our streets safe from serious injuries and deaths,” said Kathleen Ferrier, director of advocacy, Circulate San Diego, which helped bring Vision Zero to the city. “Traffic injuries and deaths are preventable. The continuous loss of life can be stopped and our leaders must make it a priority to save lives.”  

The incident comes on the heels of national news that motor vehicle related deaths in the U.S. rose to 40,000 in 2016, a six percent increase from 2015, and a fourteen percent increase from 2014. 

Circulate San Diego and a diverse coalition of 20 organizations have been promoting a program for the last two years called Vision Zero, with the goal to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in San Diego by 2025. 

The concept behind Vision Zero is that traffic deaths are preventable – through safe street design, education and enforcement. The program has been successful in other U.S. and European cities. To date, 20 cities across the U.S. have adopted a Vision Zero goal. 

This year, to better protect San Diego pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, Circulate San Diego launched “The Fatal Fifteen,” a campaign calling for the City to fix the 15 deadliest intersections. The deadliest intersections are throughout San Diego in Downtown, City Heights, Hillcrest, Imperial Beach, Pacific Beach, the South Bay and more. Last year was the third year in a row with an increase in pedestrian deaths, but a few simple safety improvements, such as ladder striped crosswalks, can make a huge difference in making San Diego’s streets safer. 

About Circulate San Diego

Circulate San Diego is a regional nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth. For more information, go to

