Media Contact: Colin Parent
Cell: (858) 442-7374
Email: [email protected]
Circulate San Diego Affordable Homes Policy Recommendations Adopted by San Diego City Council
SAN DIEGO (February 6, 2018) – Today the San Diego City Council adopted a package of Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s policy reforms to promote the development of more affordable homes, many of which were first recommended by Circulate San Diego.
The City Council action today made improvements to San Diego’s affordable bonus program, which provides developers with certain benefits and streamlining when their projects include homes that are affordable to low- and moderate-income families.
Circulate San Diego first called for many of these reforms in our January 2017 report titled “Transit Oriented Development,” which is available online at http://www.circulatesd.org/todreport.
Circulate’s report called for Mayor Faulconer’s administration to reconstitute the Density Bonus Working Group to implement key reforms to San Diego’s bonus program, and to explore additional enhancements. The City agreed to that recommendation and reformed the working group soon after. Circulate San Diego actively participated in that working group which developed many of the policy reforms adopted today.
“The Mayor and Council deserve credit today for helping to make San Diego more affordable,” said Circulate San Diego Executive Director and General Counsel Colin Parent. “Today’s vote also shows that Circulate San Diego’s policy research is creating results for smart growth in the region.”
In January of this year, Mayor Kevin Faulconer included a number of the recommendations from Circulate’s Transit Oriented Development report in his State of the City speech. Circulate San Diego will be advocating for those reforms to be adopted by the City Council.
About Circulate San Diego
Circulate San Diego is a regional nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth.