Media Contact:
Jesse O’Sullivan, Policy Counsel
(619) 301-1381 | [email protected]
“Hope for Vision Zero” Report shows modest improvements to street safety in the City of San Diego
SAN DIEGO (May 12, 2021) – At a press conference on May 12, 2021, Circulate San Diego marked the half way point of San Diego’s Vision Zero commitment by releasing the report “Hope for Vision Zero: Five Year Update.” Circulate was joined at the press conference by Mayor Todd Gloria, Vision Zero Advocate Katie Matchett, and Vision Zero Coalition members.
Circulate’s report shows that while traffic fatalities and serious injuries were on the rise between 2013 and 2018, they declined in 2019, and again in 2020. The report contains an analysis of San Diego Police Department collision data from 2013 to 2020, and is available at
While data from recent years provides some hope, serious traffic injuries and fatalities remain unacceptably high. In 2020, 51 people traveling by foot, bicycle, motorcycle, or vehicle died in traffic crashes in the City of San Diego. Between 2013 and 2020, pedestrians make up the largest share of fatalities (48%) and serious injuries (35%) on our roadways.
“Our report shows that San Diego is creating modest but real progress to make our streets more safe,” said Colin Parent, Executive Director and General Counsel for Circulate San Diego.
Circulate San Diego currently leads Crash Not Accident and Vision Zero campaigns, which are both efforts to end traffic deaths and serious injuries on San Diego streets.
In partnership with the California Office of Traffic Safety, Crash Not Accident educates San Diegans about our role in preventing traffic deaths and serious injuries by acknowledging that crashes are not merely “accidents,” but are the result of human error and systemic decisions. For more information, visit
Vision Zero is an international movement to end traffic deaths and serious injuries through careful driving, safe street design, and other safety principles. The City of San Diego committed to Vision Zero and ending all traffic fatalities within 10 years, beginning in 2015. For more information, visit
About Circulate San Diego
Circulate San Diego is a regional nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn and play. We lead a coalition of more than 25 local organizations to support Vision Zero throughout the San Diego region. For more information, visit