Regional Walk Scorecard
The Regional Walk Scorecard measures how San Diego’s 18 regional cities are doing to respond to the call for more walkable neighborhoods. We created the Scorecard to raise awareness of the ingredients that contribute to walkability, and to create healthy competition among cities to champion walk‐friendly communities.
Scoring Framework
There are many ways to measure walkability, and the Scorecard uses four scoring categories: (1) Status of Walking Index to measure and compare how many people choose to walk to get around in each city vs. how many are injured or killed while walking, (2) Implementation of projects to improve walkability, (3) Policies to outline a long term vision of improved walkability, and (4) BestWALK Field Data, crowd sourced data from San Diego’s regional residents using the BestWALK phone app. These categories were based on the national Walk Friendly Communities Assessment Tool. Click here to read more details about the scoring framework.
We are gearing up to release results from the 2015 Walk Scorecard in October. Find out how you can get involved rating streets with our BestWALK phone app.
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