Circulate San Diego is committed to making public transit safer and more accessible for all.
Every day our staff puts a tremendous amount of effort into this, and yes, we need your financial support. Please give if you can.
We also rely on your help as civically involved residents.
- On February 29th, KPBS published a story revealing that transit riders were at risk of credit card fraud.
- Two days later, Circulate San Diego launched an online tool for San Diegans lend their voice to improving the Compass Card. (You can still use it!)
- Your emails brought two MTS board members together to host a press conference and release a letter calling on MTS for action.
- This weekend, the Union Tribute editorial page endorsed Circulate San Diego’s call to improve the Compass Card.
Every day more than 275,000 passenger trips are taken on MTS bus and trolley services. This is an impressive number. Improving the compass card will build on this success to make riding transit safer and easier.
With financial support, Circulate San Diego will continue to advocate for better access to public transit, and smarter land use. You can strengthen our momentum by investing with a donation a $25 or more.
If you haven’t already, let the MTS know that you want them to improve the Compass Card!