SANDAG’s February 23, 2024 Board meeting was scheduled to include an update from staff on the status of plans for Transit to the Airport. Like many San Diegans, Circulate expected to see a plan and alternatives submitted for environmental review soon. We were therefore disappointed to instead see this item suggest re-analyzing the project and, more concerningly, projecting a 24-month timeline for doing so.
Circulate recognizes the possible need to ensure confidence in this project, both among the SANDAG Board and the public. However, the 24-month timeline for SANDAG’s proposed re-analysis is, on its face, exceptional. Circulate submitted a letter asking that SANDAG revisit that timeline and shorten it as aggressively as it can.
San Diego airport transit system: Update, Axios San Diego, February 21, 2024
Long-studied transit connection to San Diego airport still more than three years off, The San Diego Union Tribune, February 23, 2024