- Action Opportunity: University Community Plan Update
- 4th Annual Advisory Circle Dinner with Asm. David Alvarez
- Project Wrap-Up: Lincoln Cluster Clean Mobility in Schools
- Circulate at Peace in the Park!
- Getting involved in Community Planning
- Circulate Advocates for Middle Income Bonus bill
- Join the Final Community Forum on the Future of Convoy St in the Convoy District!
- Circulate News
Action Opportunity: University Community Plan Update

On Tuesday, April 18th at 6 p.m., the first draft of the updated University Community Plan will be presented. We need you to attend and make your voice heard – we need more homes in University City!
The meeting will be in-person at University City High School.
Read our latest letter here.
4th Annual Advisory Circle Dinner with Asm. David Alvarez

Circulate is convening our fourth annual meeting of ourAdvisory Circle. Invitees include financial supporters and leaders in the region for land use and mobility.
The purpose of the Advisory Circle is to inform the work of Circulate San Diego. Members meet annually to review Circulate’s efforts, and to seek input on what opportunities and priorities we should address in the coming year.
Invitations are extended to key supporter of Circulate San Diego, including our 2023 Gold Level Corporate Member and higher.
To join us for a private Advisory Circle dinner with Special Guest Assemblymember David Alvarez please join or renew your Corporate Membership!
Project Wrap-Up: Lincoln Cluster Clean Mobility in Schools

Last month, Circulate officially wrapped up our work on the Lincoln Cluster Clean Mobility in Schools program after several years. Since 2021, we have collaborated with CARB, SDUSD, CALSTART, and many more organizations seeking to improve air quality for residents of Southeast San Diego. Circulate provided project support on education and outreach tasks relating to active transportation.
Throughout the course of this project, Circulate coordinated the distribution of and training on 32 electric bicycles, held 20 pedestrian safety assemblies reaching more than 1,700 students, designed a 40-foot long remote control traffic calming course and deployed it at two demonstration events, created the project branding logo, gave out thousands of incentive items (stickers, Camelbak water bottles, hats, skateboards, tote bags, bike bells, bike lights, etc.), and built a free interactive online Safe Routes to School mapping tool for students, families, and staff to utilize for trip planning purposes.
Circulate at Peace in the Park!

This past weekend, Circulate attended the Peace in the Park event at Mountain View Park to share resources and other projects that we have been working on.
One project, Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Program (REACH), displays a series of roundabouts and other safe streets improvements that are being proposed on Imperial Avenue in South East San Diego. We had the pleasure of interacting with many families and asking them what improvements they would like to see, such as: more pedestrian lighting, bike lanes, and wider sidewalks.
San Diego will start to see more roundabout installations in the next decade, so we were glad to help educate people on the safety and environmental benefits of roundabouts.!
Getting involved in Community Planning

On March 30, and April 4, Circulate hosted two zoom events discussing how to get involved in community planning – through community planning groups and beyond. Recordings of the lunch and learn and webinar are now available on youtube.
Topics addressed included:
- What avenues are there for getting involved in the planning process?
- What is a CPG and what is its role in the planning process?
- What changed with CPG reform?
- How is the City of San Diego updating its community outreach policies?
Circulate Advocates for Middle Income Bonus bill

On Wednesday, Circulate CEO and General Counsel Colin Parent testified to the California State Assembly on the benefits of AB 1287, which would provide a Middle Income Density Bonus. The same day, Circulate Policy Counsel Jesse O’Sullivan testified at the Coastal Commission in support of the same bill.
Circulate is a sponsor and the bill is authored by Assemblymember David Alvarez.
Read more about AB 1287 and sign on to support here!
Join the Final Community Forum on the Future of Convoy St in the Convoy District!

Join us on May 3, 2023, at 1 PM for the final Convoy Street community forum as repaving begins to receive construction information and tentative timelines for the road repair and installation of the bike facilities.
Presented in partnership with the City of San Diego's Sustainability and Mobility, Transportation, and Engineering and Capital Projects Departments, the forum will also look at mobility in the Convoy District and a variety of holistic ways to implement the parking management solutions identified in the finalized parking study.
RSVP for either the online meeting or the in-person option in Kearny Mesa.
circulate news
Vision Zero Under the Microscope: Why Aren’t Road Fatalities at 0 Yet?, Streetsblog, March 29, 2023
Capturing the Real Value of Transit-Oriented Development, California YIMBY, March 30, 2023
How San Diego Kicked Off an Affordable ADU Building Boom, March 30, 2023
California YIMBYChampion cyclist Ethan Boyes killed in San Francisco accident, Fox 5, April 7, 2023
Local organization fights back against City of San Diego housing plan with lawsuit, Fox5, April 12, 2023
Join Circulate & help make our parks more accessible, April 5, 2023
Letter: Support for Senate Bill 689 – Bicycle facilities on our Coast, April 11, 2023
Coalition Letter: Support for AB 1287 - Middle Income Housing Density Bonus, April 11, 2023