Growing Support to Complete the Gap in Hillcrest
One year ago, 60+ bicycle and community advocates filed into the SANDAG Board Room to pledge support for a proposed protected bikeway on University Avenue in the heart of Hillcrest. Speaker after speaker testified about their discomfort riding the corridor because of feeling unsafe or a fear to even approach the corridor on a bicycle. A continuous protected bikeway would not only make them feel safe, it would encourage more people to bike. Some spoke in opposition to the project but the resounding majority were there to support.
Fast forward a year and ... Read the entire blog post here.
The nomination deadline for submitting a Momentum Awards nomination has been extended to August 1. If you know of a project or person responsible for advancing forward-thinking multi-modal transportation choices and healthy, sustainable communities in the San Diego region, please make a nomination by clicking here. Award categories are:Citizens Award
Healthy Community Award
Local Hero Award
Complete Streets Project Award
Connectivity Project Award
Smart Growth Award
Do you know of a person or project that deserves a Momentum Award? To submit a nomination, please click here.
As part of Circulate’s ongoing Spotlight blog series, we will start highlighting unique pop-ups that are part of innovative projects occurring in San Diego. One project in particular, the Balboa Station Plan for the Mid-Coast Trolley, has been utilizing pop-engagement through late spring and early summer with an especially relevant event over the July 4th weekend.
Read more here.
TransitCenter Releases New Report on Transit Riders
TransitCenter released a new report, “Who’s on Board 2016: What Today’s Riders Teach Us About Transit That Works,” based on results from three focus groups and a 3,000 person survey in 17 different US metropolitan areas. The report builds upon Transit Center's 2014 “Who’s on Board” report.
The report provides several core findings to inform how government agencies and elected officials approach transportation, land use, and development policy. TransitCenter states that Transit ridership will grow if policy makers:
- Concentrate development around transit corridors, and make the walk to transit safe, easy, and pleasant.
- Concentrate transit improvements in walkable places with large numbers of residents and destinations.
- Pay special attention to increasing frequency and reducing transit travel time.
Learn more about the TransitCenter and the report here.