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Planning Reports

Our fee-for-service planning team at Circulate San Diego works with nonprofit, government, and private clients to produce research, community engagement, and technical analysis reports for a range of land use and transportation issues.  Below is a collection of a few of our reports. 

Oceanside Safe Routes to School Plan

Publication Date: February 2021

Circulate San Diego supported Alta Planning & Design and the City of Oceanside, on the multi-year Oceanside Safe Routes to School Plan. Safe Routes to School is a nation-wide program that aims to create safer conditions around schools, and to encourage students, parents, and school staff to walk or bike to school. The program focuses on six main strategies: Education, Encouragement, Evaluation, Empowerment, Engineering, and Equity.

This plan is the culmination of extensive outreach, engagement, and data collection and analysis that envisions an Oceanside where all students and their families have access to safe, convenient, and healthy modes of transportation to and from school.

With funding from the California Department of Transportation Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program, the City of Oceanside and the SRTS Plan project teams spent more than two years developing its SRTS Plan, reviewing walking and biking conditions around 26 public elementary, middle, and high schools. The City and the SRTS Plan project team listened to school staff, parents and caregivers, residents, and students to understand mobility challenges around each school.



West Chula Vista Safe Routes for Seniors

Publication Date: June 2020

Circulate San Diego, in partnership with the City of Chula Vista and Kaiser Permanente, lead the West Chula Vista Safe Route for Seniors project from May 2020 to June 2020. The purpose of this project is to understand senior mobility challenges and develop actionable recommendations that can be implemented by the City of Chula Vista. 

Safe Routes for Seniors (SFRS), is an adaptation of the nationally recognized Safe Routes to School program framework. It focuses on creating or enhancing the built environment to be more supportive of senior mobility. SRFS is designed to increase the opportunity for physical activity, mobility, and social connections through infrastructure safety improvements and encouragement programs.

The purpose of this report is to align with existing active transportation and senior mobility planning efforts. Our data highlights the need for seniors to access places to recreate, shop, worship, and seek medical or community services. Included in this document are four recommendations with creative strategies to improve mobility needs of seniors in West Chula Vista. Ideas include programming to improve senior transit access, pedestrian safety improvements, ideas for a senior mobility media campaign, and creative vehicle-based options. Together, short- and long-term programs, policies, and infrastructure improvements can greatly improve senior mobility in West Chula Vista. (Read More)

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Toolkit

Publication Date: June 2020


Circulate San Diego created the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Toolkit to provide parents, teachers, schools, and program administrators a framework to build and sustain a SRTS program. The toolkit outlines ideas and steps to implement each of the Six E’s Programs should be tailored to the needs of each school community. Safe Routes to School programs focus on creating safe streets for students to walk, bike, and roll to school. SRTS programs aim to increase the number of students and parents who choose active modes of transportation (walking, biking, skateboarding, and scootering). The Six E’s approach – Education, Encouragement, Enforcement*, Engineering, Equity, and Evaluation – focuses on identifying physical and social barriers for using active modes of transportation. Then identifies programmatic and infrastructure-related solutions to address those barriers. (Read More)

*Enforcement is currently being evaluated and may be removed in the future.

Cortez Mobility Assessment and Recommendations Report

Publication Date: November 2019


Circulate San Diego worked with the Cortez Hill Active Residents Group (CHARG), the Downtown San Diego Partnership to release the Cortez Mobility Assessment and Recommendations Report. The report provides recommendations to improve pedestrian safety and increase mobility options in the Cortez neighborhood of Downtown San Diego.

The mobility assessment took place from July to November 2019 and included a review of existing documents, an online survey, a neighborhood walk audit, and a community meeting. In addition to providing short, medium, and long-term recommendations, the report serves as a record of the community’s input and provides evidence of the community’s concerns and preferences.

Since the beginning of 2020, Circulate has been working with CHARG and the Downtown San Diego Partnership to implement some of the short-term recommendations contained in the report and identify funding sources for the medium and long-term recommendations. Projects have included parklet and bike parking memos, neighborhood walking loops, wayfinding and signage, and demonstration projects that enhanced the pedestrian experience and serve as response strategies for COVID-19. (Read More)





Livable La Mesa Age-Friendly Action Plan

Publication Date: October 2019


Circulate San Diego partnered with San Diego State University's Social Policy Institute to work with AARP and the City of La Mesa and create the Livable La Mesa Age-Friendly Action Plan. The City of La Mesa launched the Livable La Mesa project through AARP’s Livable Communities Initiative, with support from The San Diego Foundation Age-Friendly Communities Program in fall 2018. This initiative is an affiliate of the World Health Organization’s Global Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, an international effort launched in 2006 to help cities prepare for their own and the world’s growing population of older adults. AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly Communities targets improvements in eight domains that influence the health and quality of life of older adults. Over the course of 12 months, and with input from the La Mesa residents, the Livable La Mesa team prepared this Action Plan to help make La Mesa a more livable community for all ages.

During the process, Circulate helped lead the community engagement effort to evaluate the livability of La Mesa, which included an online assessment of livability perceptions, a series of listening sessions, and action planning meetings with the community and City staff to create the Action Plan. The results of the engagement efforts led to the creation of the Livable La Mesa Action Plan and the plan being adopted by the La Mesa City Council in October 2019. Over the next three years, City staff and community partners will work on implementing policies and programs outlines within the Action Plan. 

Circulate enjoyed working on this planning effort and becoming emersed in the Age-Friendly Initiative. Since the completion of this project, Circulate has continued working on Age-Friendly work with the cities of National City and Carlsbad. (Read More)



HCHR National City Policy Report

Publication Date: September 2019

HCHR National City

Circulate San Diego released this report in September 2019 as a part of the County of San Diego's Healthy Cities, Healthy Residents (HCHR) project. In partnership with the Environmental Health Coalition (EHC), the HCHR Coalition, the City of National City, and community partners, this report focuses on the support provided to EHC to identify and champion a policy solution to improve pedestrian safety in Old Town, National City. (Read More)








HCHR El Cajon Policy Report

Publication Date: September 2019

HCHR El Cajon

Circulate San Diego released this report in September 2019 as a part of the County of San Diego's Healthy Cities, Healthy Residents (HCHR) project. In partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the Healthy El Cajon Coalition, the City of El Cajon, and community partners, this report was created to summarize feedback received from the community and push for changes in El Cajon’s built environment and policies. The implementation of these recommendations will support the active transportation needs of El Cajon’s residents, as well as El Cajon’s CAP goals in relation to reducing greenhouse gases and contribute to a healthier city. (Read More)









HCHR Vista Policy Report

Publication Date: March 2019

HCHR Vista

Circulate San Diego released this report in March 2019 as a part of the County of San Diego's Healthy Cities, Healthy Residents (HCHR) project. In partnership with the Vista Community Clinic (VCC), Poder Popular, the City of Vista, and the HCHR Coalition, this report was created to summarize feedback received from the community and push for changes in Vista’s built environment and policies. The implementation of these recommendations will support the active transportation needs of Vista’s residents, as well as Vista’s CAP goals in relation to reducing greenhouse gases and contribute to a healthier city. (Read More)