Join us and Councilmember Todd Gloria Friday, April 1, 2016 to take a few steps towards making life better in San Diego. It’s International Walk to Work Day and we’re inviting you to walk with us downtown or make your own commute to work (or part of it) on foot. It will give you more energy than a cup of coffee, maybe you’ll make a few new friends along the way, and you’ll be helping us send an important message about traffic safety and San Diego’s Vision Zero Initiative.
Circulate San Diego and a diverse group of transportation, business and community groups believe that any loss of life on our City's streets is unacceptable. That’s why San Diego should take action to reach its ambitious but attainable goal: Reduce all traffic fatalities to zero by 2025, Vision Zero.

Looking for a way to gain the skills and knowledge you need to make your community more walkable? America Walks invites you to apply now for a 2016 Walking College Fellowship to help you take your local advocacy work to the next level. There's an "Orientation to the Walking College" webinar on March 31st, and the deadline for submitting applications is April 15th.
#VisionZero Creates a New Model for Complete Streets Implementation in San Diego
Circulate San Diego launched #VisionZero last year with significant help from supportive community organizations. Of the 8 corridors identified as high priorities in the campaign, University Avenue was at the top of the list. Why? Because 30% of the City’s pedestrian crashes in the last 15 years occurred somewhere along this corridor.
As part of last year’s budget process, staff in the City’s Transportation and Stormwater Department committed to evaluating the corridor with the highest concentration of crashes and designing engineering improvements.
Read the entire blog here.

If you would like to learn more about the story or would just enjoy seeing Colin on TV, a few news outlets covered the story including KPBS and CBS News 8.