Circulate in Sacramento

On Wednesday, our CEO, Colin Parent, testified before CA Assembly's Housing & Community Development committee in support of our sponsored bill Assembly Bill 2560.
AB 2560 from Assemblymember David Alvarez and Senator Scott Wiener would expand housing access in California's exclusive coastal zone by applying density bonus law, which the rest of California abides by, in that exclusive and expensive area. This bill would help Californians of all incomes have a better opportunity to live in our heavily segregated coastal lands.
AB 2560 is co-sponsored by Circulate San Diego, SPUR, and the Bay Area Council.
Join Circulate & the Transit Transformation Task Force for a Special Trolley Tour

You’re invited to join local transit stakeholders and members of the Transit Transformation Task Force for a special trolley tour on April 15th from 8:30 to 10 am.
Last year, the California legislature recognized that its recent funding increase for public transportation is insufficient to address the critical issues faced by transit agencies. Consequently, the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) was tasked with convening a task force to find solutions. On April 15th, this task force will hold its third public meeting in San Diego.
Save the Date for Chula Vista’s Day of the Child Event!

Save the date for Chula Vista’s Day of the Child event on Saturday, April 20th from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM!
The event will be hosted at Memorial Park in Chula Vista and is being organized by the Chula Vista Community Collaborative. This event will be filled with plenty of fun activities for both children and adults! Circulate will be at the event demonstrating a temporary painted crosswalk and our remote-controlled traffic calming course!
Recap: St. Paul’s Plaza Pedestrian Audit

Through the City of Chula Vista and OTS grant, Circulate was able to host a pedestrian audit with St. Paul’s Plaza.
On this trip, Circulate and the residents traversed around the neighboring streets identifying areas of concern, especially for those with mobility challenges. While this pedestrian audit had some good pedestrian infrastructure, it lacked infrastructure for accessibility. The participants using mobility aids had difficulty with some parts of the audit. These difficulties were: a crosswalk with no curb ramps, broken sidewalks, short crossing window near Sharp Hospital, steeply inclined curb ramps, and crosswalks with cars parked too close to them decreasing drivers’ visibility of pedestrians.
The residents and staff of St. Paul’s Plaza provided Circulate with lots of feedback and concern about the lack of accessibility near their residence.
RECAP: Gomper’s Transportation Expo

This past week, the Circulate team participated in the Gomper's Transportation Expo, where we rolled out the traffic calming course for everyone to try. Folks of all ages drove the remote-control cars and practiced driving on traffic calming infrastructure, such as curb extensions, diverters, and roundabouts.
We appreciated everyone who stopped by the table and were able to take home some pedestrian and bicycle safety materials, and thank you to The Urban Collaborative Project for hosting such a fun and informative event!
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Legislative Support Letters, April 1, 2024
Policy Letter: Support for AB 1635, April 1, 2024