Check out this week's featured stories:
1. Intro Spotlight: Hunter Collins
2. Share Input on the El Camino Real Specific Plan
3. Caltrans Active Transportation Plan
4. Circulate Submits EIR Scoping Letter Regarding Airport Connector
5. Discover Leucadia Walking Loops
6. Thanks for joining us for Mobility Monday!
Intro Spotlight: Hunter Collins
Join us in welcoming our new Policy Intern, Hunter Collins! As is our tradition, we interviewed Hunter so our supporters and members can get to know him.
To read his intro/spotlight, Click Here!
Share Input on the El Camino Real Specific Plan
The City of Encinitas is proceeding with a process to develop the El Camino Real Specific Plan, a plan that will reimagine possible future development within the El Camino Real corridor in Encinitas. The City is launching an initial survey to seek input from the community on the specific plan. The feedback received from the community will be reviewed by the project team and used to inform the plan.
Learn more about the El Camino Real Specific Plan by watching a video, then participating in the survey. More information on the El Camino Real Specific Plan
Caltrans Active Transportation Plan
Did you know Caltrans is currently developing its first comprehensive Active Transportation Plan to identify specific active transportation needs in San Diego and Imperial Counties on, across, or parallel to the State Highway System.
For more information about the CAT Plan, please watch the short video on our website!
Circulate Submits EIR Scoping Letter Regarding Airport Connector
Circulate submitted a letter to request that SANDAG consider the geometric inefficiency of its proposed airport connector when it creates its Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Central Mobility Hub at the NAVWAR site. The currently proposed Airport Connector begins at San Diego International Airport and travels east along Harbor Drive before turning North and connecting to the Central Mobility Hub.
This orientation would force travelers coming from the south and the east to travel an extra 1.5 miles north to reach the Central Mobility Hub, and then double back on the Airport Connector. This creates an extra 3 miles for every trip coming from that direction.
Circulate’s request requires SANDAG to consider this inefficiency and alternative routing when doing its transportation analysis for the Central Mobility Hub. Circulate also requested that the EIR consider employee access to the airport, pedestrian access to the Central Mobility Hub, and Airport Connector integration with the Airport terminal.
Read the full letter here.
Discover Leucadia Walking Loops
Last week we launched a new network of temporary wayfinding signage in the City of Encinitas. Discover Leucadia is a quick-build, COVID- safe, community-based project. The designated walking loops feature historical signage for enhanced pedestrian experience and strengthened connection between existing community amenities.
Discover Leucadia was launched in partnership with Leucadia 101, County of San Diego Health and Human Services, and the California Office of Traffic Safety.
For more information visit HERE.
Thanks for joining us for Mobility Monday!
Circulate wrapped up our inaugural "Mobility Monday" webinar series this month. This webinar series was made possible through a grant with the Office of Traffic Safety and the County of San Diego HHSA. Mobility Monday was a four-part webinar series focusing on mobility topics for unique user groups., including persons with disabilities, women, and older adults. Each webinar included a presentation and a group discussion.
All of the Mobility Monday webinars were recorded and can be viewed on our YouTube channel.
Circulate in the News
Integrating the Marines, KPBS, May 17, 2021
‘Vision Zero’ Street Safety Advocates Cite 2-Year Trend of Declining Fatalities and Serious Injuries, Times of San Diego, May 17, 2021
Navy favors massive project with 10,000 housing units in San Diego area, The San Diego Union Tribune, May 14, 2021
Navy Seeks To Build 10,000 Homes On NAVWAR Site In Midway District, KPBS, May 14, 2021
Navy favors massive project with 10K housing units on NAVWAR site, The San Diego Union Tribune, May 14, 2021
Five Years Into ‘Vision Zero,’ San Diego Streets Are Even Deadlier, KPBS, May 13, 2021
County Supervisors Move Closer to Regional Transportation, Land Use Plan, CNS, May 20, 2021
Parking Requirements Are Not a Useful Bargaining Chip for Increasing Affordable Housing, Streetsblog Cal, May 19, 2021
Coalition Letter: Support for AB 1238- Freedom to Walk Act, May 14, 2021
Coalition Letter: Comments and Recommended Changes to the Proposed MUTCD Amendment, May 14, 2021
Letter: Support for AB 550 – Speed Safety Systems, May 14, 2021
Letter: Support for AB 43 – Speed Limit Safety, May 20, 2021
Press Release: One Pedestrian Killed, and Four Others Seriously Injured in Crashes within the Last Two Weeks, March 20, 2021
Press Release: Three Serious Injuries in Crashes Over the Weekend, March 25, 2021