This walk audit was conducted in coordination with the Friends of Sunset Cliffs. This walk was hosted on May 23, 2024 and had a group of 10 people. The group included Circulate staff, Friends of Sunset Cliffs, and interested participants.
Sunset Cliffs Boulevard is located in the City of San Diego and is popular due to its views of the ocean. The walking route took place along: Froude Street, Guizot Street, Hill Street, Monaco Street, Carmelo Street and Ladera Street. Between 2018-2022, there were 2 pedestrian injuries and 1 bicycle injury within a quarter mile of the walking route. On August 18, 2022, a 62-year-old cyclist was injured in a T-bone collision at the intersection of Ladera Street and Cordova Street.
For more information on the walk, check out the report here.