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Planning Reports

City of San Diego and California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Walk Audit Reports (FY 2022-23)



Circulate has received a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) and the City of San Diego to conduct a series of 13 walk audits throughout the City of San Diego. In preparation for these walks, we have conducted analysis of the most recent five-year crash data for the City of San Diego to identify high-crash/high-injury corridors to identify routes for these walk audits. The goal is to further evaluate potential root causes for such conditions.

After each walk, a two-page report was prepared which includes a crash data map, photos of observed conditions, and a brief summary of the observed deficiencies/challenges creating the unsafe and/or uncomfortable conditions. These reports were prepared in cooperation with the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in these publications are coming from Circulate San Diego.

See below for a summary of each of our walk audits. Make sure to follow us on all social media channels @CirculateSD to keep up and potentially join us for some of our future walks.

District 1
District 3
District 4
District 8